June 27 & 28, 2015
FITASC Main Event - 100 Targets
$120.00 Entry Fee
HOA Option
High Gun in Class Option
Lewis Option
Rotation times:
Sat 9:00 AM (all four parcours in same day)
Sat 11:00 AM & Sun 2:00 PM (two parcours per day)
Sat 1:00 PM (all four parcours in same day)
Sat 2:00 PM & Sun 11:00 AM (two parcours per day)
Sun 9:00 AM (all four parcours in same day)
Sun 1:00 PM (all four parcours in same day) Trophies from the Jim White Collection
1st, 2nd & 3rd in Class
FITASC 20 GA Event - 50 Targets
$60 Entry Fee
Preregistration for this event is required. Event will not be held if there is not enough interest.
HOA Option
High in Class Option
Lewis Option
Rotation times:
Sat 9:00 AM
Sat 1:00 PM
Sun 11:00 AM
Sun 3:00 PM
FITASC 28 GA Event - 50 Target
$60 Entry Fee
Preregistration for this event is required. Event will not be held if there is not enough interest.
HOA Option
High in Class Option
Lewis Option
Rotation times:
Sat 11:00 AM
Sat 3:00 PM
Sun 9:00 PM
Sun 1:00 PM
50 Target 5-Stand Event
$40 Entry Fee
HOA Option
High in Class Option
Lewis Option
Rotation times:
Sat 9:00 AM
Sat 10:30 AM
Sat 12:00 PM
Sat 1:30 PM
Sat 3:00 PM
Sat 4:30 PM Sun 9:00 AM
Sun 10:30 AM
Sun 12:00 PM
Sun 1:30 PM
Sun 3:00 PM
Sun 4:30 PM
Register online at WinscoreOnline.com